Saturday, February 4, 2012

Jelly Bean Jar Game... sort of!

What a FUN project! I used up a ton of those tiny little skeins of yarn in my stash that were, well, to good to throw away... but isn't ALL yarn too good to throw away? In a lot of cases, I hang onto bits and pieces that would never make a full project. Finally some validation for my pack-rat yarn habit!

Here is the pattern I used for inspiration! Scrappy Steps Afghan. I sometimes have commitment issues with a newer technique or pattern, so I decided to create a scarf for starters.

When I was nearly finished creating the scarf I realized I had not yet repeated any colour! Game on! I hunted, scrounged and dug into old-forgotten project bags, and even my daughter's craft bin to find just a few more yarns to complete the scarf. I had to use 2-strands of a lighter weight yarn a few times, but I did it. No two stripes were the same!

I love wearing this scarf, and it is a great conversation starter:

Stranger in coffee shop line up: "Wow, did you knit that?" (I know, it's crochet, but I'm usually too polite to correct them. I'll sneak that information in later in the conversation!)
Me: "Yes, this is my own work!"
A-bit-less-strange Stranger, smiling: "Cool! It's so colourful!"
Me: "Can you guess how many different colour yarns are in it? It's like the jelly bean jar game at the fair... if you guess right, I'll buy your coffee!"

It sure beats discussing the weather! And nobody has guessed right yet... usually too low! ;o)

Sooooo?.... How many different colours (verigated yarns count as one colour) are there represented in this Scrappy Scarf? Drop me a comment or Facebook post and have a guess!



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